Passed LPIC-1 exam

Today I received an e-mail that I passed the LPIC101 and LPIC102 exams.

The results of LPIC101:

Your Score: 660
Required Passing Score: 500
Status: Pass

Test Section Information
Percent Correct Section

50% Hardware Architecture
100% Linux Installation & Package Management
89% GNU & Unix Commands
68% Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
71% The X Window System

The results of LPIC102:

Your Score: 680
Required Passing Score: 500
Status: Pass

Test Section Information
Percent Correct Section

100% Kernel
75% Boot, Initialization, Shutdown and Runlevels
50% Printing
60% Documentation
60% Shells, Scripting, Programming and Compiling
100% Administrative Tasks
87% Networking Fundamentals
91% Networking Services
100% Security

So I am now LPIC-1 certified!