RHEL 5 with puppet, mongrel and apache

This week I had to set up puppet with mongrel and apache for the balancing. To be honest... I never heard aboutthe puppet tool at all before (sorry puppet-developers :-( ). As far as I understood, the puppetmaster is not really doing well with handling multiple concurrent requests and we need to provision about 128 compute nodes from a HPC cluster ...

On how I set up all the stuff in the test environment/production environment.

First I identified the right RPMs from EPEL, because I had no connection to the Internet:


You can install them with 'yum --nogpgcheck localinstall *.rpm'.

You must als make sure that apache with mod_ssl is installed as well (yum install httpd mod_ssl).

Configuring Apache for load-balancing

As mentioned before, apache and puppet master must be installed.

First I copied and modified the /etc/init.d/httpd script to use it for puppet loadbalancing. Find my copy of the script on:


So you can do:

# cd /etc/init.d/
# wget http://www.xs4all.nl/~paderijk/blog/puppet-balancer
# chmod 755 ./puppet-balancer

Now we have to create the some additional directories:

# mkdir -p /var/log/puppet-balancer
# mkdir -p /etc/puppet-balancer/{conf,conf.d}

I used the configuration file initially set up by from Jeff McCune and modified it for RHEL5. This file can be found on:


So you can put it into place like this:

# cd /etc/puppet-balancer/conf
# wget http://www.xs4all.nl/~paderijk/blog/puppet-balancer.conf

And finally we need to create a symlink name /usr/sbin/puppet-balancer which links to /usr/sbin/httpd

# ln -s /usr/sbin/httpd /usr/sbin/puppet-balancer

I've done this, because somehow the init-scripts are having some inconstancy. :-(

And we also need a /etc/sysconfig/puppet-balancer file

# cd /etc/sysconfig
# wget http://www.xs4all.nl/~paderijk/blog/sysconfig-puppetbalancer
# mv sysconfig-puppetbalancer puppet-balancer

For so far the apache configuration, still we don't start the puppet-balancer 'service'. First we need to configure and start the puppet master.

Configuration puppetmaster

The configuration of the puppetmaster was actually very easy.

*UPDATE* A colleague pointed me on the fact that the CA wasn't set up properly going into mongrel mode. So first start puppetmaster normally:

# service puppetmaster start ; sleep 5 ; service puppetmaster stop

Make sure the following line is 'enabled' to /etc/sysconfig/puppetmaster:

PUPPETMASTER_PORTS=( 18140 18141 18142 18143 )

This will enable puppetmaster with mongrel and starts on the ports 18140 to 18143 :-)

I also noticed that the RPM for puppetmaster didn't set up all the required directories, so I need to add them manual:

# mkdir -p /var/lib/puppet/yaml/{facts,nodes}
# chown puppet:puppet /var/lib/puppet/yaml/{facts,nodes}

Start the puppetmaster and Apache (puppet-balancer)

Now we can start the puppetmaster:

# service puppetmaster start

But we want to survive reboots as well, so we do also:

# chkconfig puppetmaster on

Now the Puppet CA is also set up. So now we can start the puppet-balancer (apache) as well. But first we need to symlink the key-file and the certificate file:

# ln -s /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/{$(hostname -f).pem,puppet-balancer.pem}
# ln -s /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/{$(hostname -f).pem,puppet-balancer.pem}

And now we can start the puppet-balancer:

# service puppet-balancer start

And get it also up and running after a reboot:

# chkconfig puppet-balancer on

More details on how to do further configuration/setting up manifest files et cetera can be found on the Puppet wiki:
