Almost 600.. no 1200 IP-address are banned

After Captcha and some other stuff to prevent spamming on my blog… I implemented a Banlist… At this moment the list contains almost 600 unique ip-address. And if you are such a fool to post spam… you will be banned for live! If you are on t…

There is always a way to defeat security

Most companies have a policy to reject non HTTP traffic (read TCP port 80 and 443).An old friend of mine told me that a lot of companies do not verify if HTTP data is HTTP data… So… with this in mind I changed the configuration of one of the S…

My First posting on the Internet

My very first posting on the Internet can be found at GoogleI had the next question:date: ma 17 aug 1998 00:00Werkt de AMD K-6 300 Mhz onder RedHat Linux (Kernel 2.0.34)Gr. PieterTranslated into English:date: mo 17 aug 1998 00:00Does a AMD K-6 200…

And they are still there

After all preventions to get rid of the spam, there are still some ppl who come through the security stuff… So… what is do now… is just block whole subnets And to get rid of all spam… I just have to block the subnet 0/0, but if I would do …

Fighting the Blog-spam

In one of my first postings I adressed the problems I have with Blog-spam. So I installed a Captcha module and from now on, you have to take over the code in the captcha picture….So now I hope… the most spam will be gone

UMTS is nice…

Yesterday I had to go with one of my collegues to Limburg (south of the Nehterlands). We went with one car and I had a UMTS PCMCIA Card with me.When we went home I started my M$ Windows laptop from the boss and logged in on the Internet using UMTS…

A mailsystem with Maildir

For a project I had to go to a hospital somewhere in the Netherlands. In the hospital their was someone who was committing fraud and we have to investigate it. One of the data-sets we requested was the mailbox of the suspect person. Usually I have…

Yes… BigBrother is watching us.

The company where I work for, got a strict policy regarding applications which are allowed and who are not allowed. But after some searching around… in the registry I found the settings where the tools dump their data:And if you login onto the s…